Friday, February 24, 2017

I'm still not sure if Point Blank was a dream or reality. Was it a dying man's thoughts?  Lee Marvin and Angie Dickinson are great in it.  I need to watch it again.  Last time I watched it was on a flight from LAX to DFW.  I don't think I watch films well on flights.  Although I did start picking up flights for a while with the upgraded first class entertainment centers on American Airlines and I watched classics like The Getaway and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe?

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Will Penny

We had a high school history teacher that enjoyed showing us some films with some historical accuracy.  Will Penny staring Charlton Heston was one of those films.  Instead of your standard John Wayne or Gary Cooper glamorized cowboy, Will Penny shows a working cowboy and his sometimes mundane life.  Obviously from the poster, there is some trouble and some love interest, but there is also loneliness and sock darning.  It's a good film and I think one of Heston's most natural films 
The single shot rifle is unfortunately overlooked in these times of semi-automatic modular platform guns.  Don't get me wrong, my safe is full of more bolt actions and evil black rifles than single shots.  But the single shot holds a dear place in my heart.

I grew up shooting a Steven's Crackshot falling block .22 LR.  I don't know how many bricks of .22 shells I ran through that thing.  But my grandfather had a .32 Short Remington Rolling Block, that I would have killed to shoot more than once or twice.  But at the time .32 Short Rimfire shells were rare and expensive, so I stuck to my Crackshot.

Eventually, I would acquire a 7x57 Mauser Remington that did service somewhere South of the border.